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  • Writer's pictureCatnissRose

Youtube - Behind the Scenes

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

My latest Youtube was a hit by my standards! I am so excited and there's a little bit of a story behind it which I wanted to share with you.

I am fortunate enough to have found a great group called San Diego Youtubers. This group would meet in person a couple times a month, but has since moved to weekly Zoom meetings. I really enjoy these meetings and often am inspired by the members. Without this group, I know my channel wouldn't be where it is today. Their support and guidance have been great appreciated.

During our last meeting, the discussion of Shanghai Disneyland's park opening. I started sharing some information and one of the more experienced members asked me why I didn't post a video about it. I started to protest as I didn't feel that Disney News was an area to pursue for my channel. One of my concerns was that my favorite Disney Youtuber, Fresh Baked Disney did so well with news videos that I couldn't compare.

However, the more I thought about it, I realized it made sense. My subscribers most likely aren't subscribed and there's nothing standing in my way from doing it except myself. The instigator of this went as far as to challenge me to record the video on my phone and post it the next day.

I accepted his challenge and after our meeting ended (at 10pm), I wrote an outline, recorded edited, and published the video, scheduling it to post in the morning.

Because the video was done so quickly, I had to MacGyver a video set up and it was too entertaining not to share!

It just goes to show you that while the video looks great there's a lot of craziness and hard work that goes into it.

The whole process for this video happened in less than 12 hours and it is my best performing video so far. I am so glad I took the plunge and did it.

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