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  • Writer's pictureCatnissRose

New Camera! Disneyland Vlog!

Updated: May 22, 2023

For today's vlog, I get to use my new camera which we get to try out for the first time! We get to see some classic Disneyland rides in a new light. Because of the new camera, we focus in on the dark rides to hopefully see them in new detail.

We take a ride today on The Jungle Cruise, Roger Rabbit, and Haunted Mansion. We hear some great jokes on The Jungle Cruise, well I guess it depends on perspective, but I enjoyed them.

We also take a ride on Roger Rabbit's Toon Spin, which I haven't gone on in a long time. Finally, we get to see The Haunted Mansion better than ever before. I especially love seeing all the extra detail in the graveyard scene. Check out the whole Disneyland vlog adventure below! Enjoy more Disneyland Vlogs!


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