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  • Writer's pictureCatnissRose

Enjoying Disneyland at a Different Pace

When you vacation and purchase tickets you typically go from park opening to close and do everything you can. You want to make the most of the money you spent on tickets as it's not cheap.

I have been a Disneyland Annual Passholder for over a year now. Being an passholder has allowed me the luxury to enjoy the parks at my own pace. I don't have to wait in lines to go on a ride. Sometimes I go just to eat, people watch, and enjoy the sights and sounds of Disneyland without going on a single ride.

I want to emphasize to those vacationing to take some time to relax. You don't need to do every single thing. It's great to have a plan but allow for flexibility. As you're walking from one destination to another, don't get tunnel vision. Make sure to look around, especially up. That's one thing that Disneyland excels at is all the small details. There's so much love and thought put into every area's design.

One of my favorite examples of looking up is in the Princess Faire in Fantasyland. To the left of the Royal Hall where you meet the princesses, you can see Figaro sitting on a window ledge.

So next time you go to Disneyland, go with the flow and take things down a notch. You won't regret it!

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