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  • Writer's pictureCatnissRose

1 Year On Youtube!!

1 year ago, I started a new journey and posted my first video to Youtube. It seems like forever ago, especially how this year has gone. It may sound cheesy, but that day I had no idea where the journey would take me. I have grown more quickly than I imagined and I have learned so much. I have also found a community and met an amazing group of people.

I first started my channel to document my Disney Adventurse and share them with other Disney geeks. I am excited to say those are still my goals, but its grown to more than that.

I am incredibly grateful for the group of Youtubers I met in San Diego. They have been instrumental to my growth. I wouldn't be where I am at today without them.

I am excited to see where the next year brings me and the channel! I appreciate all the love and support.

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